Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Museum Art Critique: Surprise Attack Near Harper’s Ferry Essay

At the point when first survey the work of art, Surprise Attack Near Harper’s Ferry, made by John A. Mooney in 1868, the main thing I got myself ready to concentrate on was the gathering of totally stripped men that have all the earmarks of being washing in a stream. From the start, I was not really ready to get a handle on the idea driving the canvas or the specific circumstance that was planned to be depicted by John Mooney, in this particular bit of verifiable craftsmanship. Subsequent to taking a gander at the picture all the more intently and insightfully, the principal words that entered my brain promptly were dread and turmoil. The foundation of the Surprise Attack Near Harper’s Ferry, except for the smoke in the far separation, differentiates altogether to the express mayhem, dread, and disarray showed in the bit of the work of art where the gathering of men give off an impression of being dreadfully dissipating about in the water. The foundation of this work of art, the delightful shaded sky and other landscape including the sparkling water, varies significantly in examination with the more centered around, to some degree upsetting picture, of what seems to speak to distraction and dread that is clearing over this gathering of men. In the wake of watching the composition as intently and cautiously as could be expected under the circumstances, the picture to be depicted caused a sentiment of trouble, just as disarray, to clear over me. In the wake of seeing progressively about the painting’s meaning, I started to likewise feel a feeling of empathy and compassion for these men that I couldn’t even totally grasp from the outset. In the composition, Surprise Attack Near Harper’s Ferry, the craftsman, John A. Mooney, places an extraordinary accentuation on the â€Å"subject matter†; the topic being the men that were endeavoring to wash in the waterway. Despite the fact that the topic, the â€Å"central focus† of the artwork, appears to simply be about this gathering of Confederate Soldiers, significance is additionally significantly positioned upon the crude feelings appeared by these troopers; feelings that make this canvas worth scrutinizing and breaking down in any case. On an increasingly positive note or perspective on the work of art, Surprise Attack Near Harper’s Ferry effectively can catch the observer’s eye as a result of the delightful, sparkling shade of the stream and the expansive sky; regardless of what real factors the men may before long be compelled to look in these waters. Furthermore, one of the significant things to see about this artistic creation is John Mooney’s utilization of reiteration spoke to by the men in the stream. Reiteration is noted in the men in the artistic creation, because of their striking, and practically indistinguishable similitudes in their appearance. Another significant guideline of plan or â€Å"formal property†, is the utilization of the prior referenced differentiation between the more genuine, focal point of convergence or the â€Å"subject matter† ; otherwise called the Confederate men in the waterway, and the more without a care in the world setting appeared by the away from and hypnotizing shade of the stream itself. Difference is additionally found in the artwork by the artist’s utilization of various hues that contradict or struggle with each other. For instance, John Mooney utilizes an a lot more brilliant/lighter shading on these men, than what he utilizes for the extraordinary green/blue stream and the more overcast/darker shading he utilizes for the sky, or for the foundation gun smoke. Differentiation is utilized by this craftsman to cause more to notice the point of convergence of the canvas.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Edisons And His Brilliance Essays - Thomas Edison, Telegraphy

Edison's and His Brilliance Thomas A. Edison earned his notoriety for being probably the best innovator and saints. Loaded with development, inventiveness, and endeavor, Edison embodie[d] quite a bit of what Americans have felt was certain about the national experience. Edison can put guarantee to 1093 US licenses notwithstanding thousands progressively universal licenses. His works remember such significant commitments as headways for telecommunication, the phonograph, an idealized nickel-iron-antacid battery, and the first financially effective brilliant lighting framework. As appeared by his numerous licenses, Edison contributed inventive advancements to society, yet he was likewise an effective business person. Edison's prosperity with the radiant light was probably the best accomplishment, yet in addition perhaps the best accomplishment. Edison started tinkering with the thought of brilliance in 1876 up to 1878, when he devoted his endeavors to deliver a prudent electric light. He joined the two his dazzli ng mind with his soul for difficult work to create a portion of the world's most prominent developments. At long last in 1879, after almost four years of monotonous work, Edison's first achievement came to fruition with the utilization of a carbonized cotton string. History of Thomas A. Edison Conceived on February 11, 1847 to Samuel and Nancy Edison, Thomas went through the initial seven years of his life in Milan, Ohio, his place of birth. In 1854, open door took the Edison family to Port Huron, Michigan, a city double the size of Milan. Edison's proper instruction finished after just three months of private tutoring; he reacted inadequately to the controlled air of the school, which made some consider Edison to be a difficult kid. In any case, Edison's mom, a previous teacher, started instructing Thomas at home. Edison attributes a portion of his inventiveness to his non-formal training, asserting that proper instruction, cast 'the cerebrum into a shape' and '[did] not support unique idea or thinking,' laying'more weight on memory than on perception.'. Right off the bat, Nancy furnished Edison with physical science and science books, from which he would explore. This set moving Edison's advantage and interest with the logical and imaginative procedures. At twelve years old, Edison started his work as a railroad concessionist, selling papers and tidbits on trains. During his breaks, Edison would try in the things vehicles, one of which he later set ablaze. Edison's day of work in vocation to telecommunication was a blessed occasion for him. One day he spared a kid's life and in appreciation the dad showed Edison how to turn into a message administrator. Afterward, Edison moved to New York and wound up in a lucrative occupation for having fixed a messed up stock ticker machine during a monetary emergency. In 1869, Edison promised to move from being a straightforward administrator to a logical creator, and later, he sold an improved stock ticker, which permitted him to open a workshop in New Jersey to turn into a full-time designer. The lab was a trailblazer of the present current research office, and itself was an incredible development. Here, Edison improved the typewriter, making it workable just because to type quicker than could b e composed by hand. What's more, in 1876, Edison moved to the well known Menlo Park in New Jersey, where one of his first innovations incorporated an improved phone with a carbon transmitter so individuals would no longer need to yell into the telephone. Throughout the following six years, Edison and the Menlo Park group delivered in excess of 400 licenses. One such significant creation incorporates the phonograph, Edison's undisputed top choice and one of the most unique developments at any point formulated , which he again later improved for business use. He was attempting to figure out how to record transmit messages consequently with the utilization of a paraffin-covered paper tape, decorated by a pointer with spots and runs. The tape made a comparable sound to human speach, thus Edison endeavored to associate a phone stomach to the decorating needle. In his first exhibition, Edison discussed Mary Had A Little Lamb, which the phonograph was flawlessly ready to recreate. With the capacity to record, the phonograph prompted the improvement of the music business today. This development earned Edison the moniker, The Wizard of Menlo Park. While the Wizard's most punctual trusts in the phonograph concentrated on training and business, Edison imagined the phonograph

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Basic Guide to Exporting Goods and Services

Basic Guide to Exporting Goods and Services During the time of our forefathers and ancestors, the very idea of a “global market” may have been too farfetched and even impossible. The world is such a vast place, and the idea of products one country being available for sale across the globe seems to be quite a difficult concept to grasp.But times have changed; many things have happened since then, and we are now enjoying the conveniences and benefits of this global market. Two of the activities that made the global market a reality are importing and exporting.Importing and exporting are actually the same; the difference is just in the point of view. Importing means the purchase of goods that are manufactured in a foreign market or country, for the purpose of selling in one’s domestic market. Exporting, on the other hand, involves the sale of domestically manufactured goods to a foreign market or country. In this relationship, there is an exporter and an importer. In this article, we will be focusing on one side of that rel ationship: Exporting. © Shutterstock | stockphoto maniaWe will discuss 1) the importance of exporting in our global economy, 2) factors that affect exporting, 3) things to consider before exporting goods or services, and 4) how to export the right way.IMPORTANCE OF EXPORTINGEach country has something unique to offer, and they see these offerings as opportunities to expand their economies. By bringing their offerings, such as products, resources and skills, to the global market by way of exporting, they are able to bring money into their coffers and grow their economies.That is the main reason why countries are actively jumping into the exporting bandwagon. They look at the resources that are lacking or scarce in a specific foreign market, and that they have an abundance of, and sell those resources to them. In return, they get paid a commensurate amount for these resources. It is a win-win situation.Say, for example, that country A is rich with brilliant and innovative minds when it comes to developing i nfrastructure and technology. However, they do not have the natural resources to be used in infrastructure development. This is where country B, who is rich in these natural resources, comes in. Country B will sell its natural resources to Country A, effectively making Country B as the exporter and Country A as the importer.The advantages of exporting include:Increased economic growth for the exporting country. Exporting is basically an economic transfer. The sale of the products or resources of one country (exporter) to another (importer) increase the exporter’s national gross output, regardless of whether the sale is for cash or in exchange for other products, services or resources.Increased domestic economic activity. As the country engages more actively in exporting, it taps into its domestic manufacturers and suppliers for the products or resources that will be sold on the global market. This means more business for domestic entrepreneurs and businessmen.Increased profitabili ty. Of course, as a business, you want to grow and so you want to earn more profits. By selling internationally, you may have higher costs, but you will also have higher sales since you are now selling to a bigger market.Stronger diplomacy and foreign policy between and among nations. Governments will benefit from relationships established through exporting, since they will be coming into closer contact with other countries or economies. In short, what started out as a relationship involving purely trade can result to other, deeper and more meaningful relationships that will be beneficial to everyone involved.More opportunities for businesses of all sizes. Exporting is not limited to large corporations and multinational companies. Even medium-sized and small business can also export their goods and services; according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, small and medium-sized businesses export to at least one international market. The figures used as basis were gathered in 2005, so you can just imagine how the numbers have increased more than a decade later.New markets mean more options for companies. You are no longer going to rely solely on a single market because you can venture out of your own shores for equally green, or even greener pastures. This is particularly tempting for businesses that are facing high competition domestically, or those that are simply not doing too well in their own markets or countries. They can instead bring their products or services to other markets or countries where they are more likely to be accepted and bought. Similarly, businesses that are in countries with volatile economies, faced with inconsistent rises and drops and irregular fluctuations, can tap into other markets.Prolonged sales life of products and services. Existing products and services will have a longer sales life since there are other, newer, markets for them to be sold in. Products that are no longer in season in one count ry, for example, may still be “in season” in another.Increase quality of products and services. As businesses enter other markets even outside of their own countries, competition becomes tougher and tighter. Domestic businesses will be forced to keep their guards up and improve their own offerings if they hope to be able to compete with other businesses entering their territory. Exporters will also make sure to keep the quality of their products high in order to penetrate a new market and be able to compete with domestic businesses.[slideshare id=34334207doc=j4049-dhlslideshare-stepsfornewexporters-v8-140506071818-phpapp02w=640h=330]FACTORS THAT AFFECT EXPORTINGExporting is a general concept, but applicability is not general. If it were, then you will find that all countries have thrived and flourished thanks to exporting. You will notice that some countries still haven’t been able to benefit from exporting, and that can be attributed to several factors.Export regulations, law s and policiesThis is seen by many as the largest stumbling block for anyone who wants to export. Not only do they have to comply with regulations within their own markets or countries, they also have to make sure that they are also not in violation of the existing applicable laws and regulations in the market they will be exporting their products to.Other than laws, there are also trade agreements in place that have to be observed by exporters and importers alike.Interested in digging really deep into foreign trade and WTO? Read this awesome resource.[slideshare id=52238653doc=mta-e-r3-print-150831070758-lva1-app6892type=dw=640h=330]Geographical locationDistance is also a factor to be considered although, lately, this has been relegated as a minor concern. The growth of global markets have certainly made even the longest distance short.Language and cultural barriersBusinesses have to be in constant communication with each other, and barriers to smoothly communicating are bound to c ramp their style. Some of the most common problems that must be overcome include language barriers and differences in culture and social norms.Exporters should make it a point to study more than a little of their target market’s culture in order to tailor their marketing and selling plan accordingly. Learn more about Hofstedes cultural dimensions.Poor planningThis is on the part of the companies that plan to export their products. One of their most common mistakes is to think that, if it works in the United States, then it will work anywhere in the world. Overcome this notion and you will be able to look beneath the surface, recognizing that you have to make necessary adjustments.Currency issuesCurrency is all too often subject to fluctuations, so these may also impact how exporting is done. Exporters are basically faced with currency risks when they sell their products to other markets. What they can only do is to strategically time their selling periods so as to minimize currenc y losses.THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE EXPORTINGIf you are planning on going into exporting soon, you have to first ascertain whether you are export-ready or not. There are a few considerations that you should first take note of when evaluating your “export potential”.Your Expectations and ObjectivesYou have to be clear on the reasons why you want to export. Do you want higher profits? Do you want to set up your business for future expansion in the global market? Knowing what you expect and what you are aiming for by exporting will make it easier for you to take the necessary steps toward making it happen. Product and ProductionYou must first take a good, long look at your product, or what you are going to offer. Product viability is a very important consideration that must not be overlooked.Export potential. Does it have export potential? If you are your buyer, would you purchase that product? More importantly, if you are a foreign buyer, would you purchase that product, which is o bviously from another country?Exportable. Is your product free from any encumbrances brought about by export controls and regulations? Is it “exportable” according to domestic laws in your market?Modifications needed. Will you have to implement modifications in your production processes to meet requirements or expectations of the foreign market you will be selling your product to?Transportable. Is the product transportable to the target foreign market? What are the other implications of this, particularly on pricing?CapitalLet’s get down to it: does your company have the money to bring your product to another country? Can you afford to enter another market and face domestic (and other foreign) competition?For sure, it is going to cost you money. Look at the available capital and, if that is insufficient, the lines of credit and other possible sources of capital available to you.ManpowerEvaluate your HR requirements in bringing your business operations to other markets, and whe ther you have the available manpower to meet them. Are your people qualified and skilled to handle the exporting side of things? Do you have enough people in place to focus on exporting, without compromising your domestic operations?Export Requirements and ComplianceThese are mostly the legal considerations that you should first evaluate. Do you meet all the requirements, or will you be in violation of any of them?HOW TO EXPORT GOODS AND SERVICESStep #1 Develop an Export StrategyIt is now time for you to create your Export Plan, where you will map out your export strategy. Your starting point can be the business plan that you are already using for your domestic operations. From there, you can come up with the Export Plan, which is basically a business plan that puts emphasis on international or global markets.Elements of the Export PlanIntroduction or Overview of the Business. Here, you will provide a background of the business, always with a view to exporting. You are basically goi ng to discuss the purpose of the plan and what you hope to achieve in going into exporting, whether they are short-term or long-term goals.Organizational Structure. This is an internal look, summarizing issues such as ownership of the business and its management and staffing. You have to make a clear division between exporting and the other existing operations of the business to see how it fits in the grand scheme of things. This is also where you list down the human resource requirements and the available human resources that you have for your exporting venture. This section may also tackle issues on labor and the labor market, as well as alliances or partnerships that the business can benefit from when it finally enters exporting.Offerings of the Business. Now it is time to include a detailed discussion on the products and/or services that you plan to sell in other markets. Describe their features and specifications and the benefits or value that they will bring to the end users i n the foreign markets. You should also include a description of the production process. In the instances where some modifications and innovations on the products or services have to be implemented in order to meet the unique requirements of the market you will be exporting to, see to it that these are discussed fully. If you are looking far ahead and have products or services in the pipeline, for manufacture and sale in the future, you may also include them in the discussion.Market Study. Just like in a regular business plan, a study of the market should also be included. This time, you will be taking a look at the foreign market that you plan to penetrate: its political, economic and socio-cultural environments, the potential market segments, and the existing players in the industry. This means you also have to take a look at the existing competitive landscape and identify the competitors that you will be up against.Entry Strategy. It’s time to map out how you plan to enter the m arket that you have so extensively discussed in your market study. Again, consider the fact that not all foreign markets are the same. They have unique characteristics that call for unique approaches when it comes to market entry. Aside from the competition, you have to consider your marketing strategy: your product positioning and differentiation, your pricing strategy, your distribution strategy, and your promotions or advertising.Regulations and Logistics. You can never get away from regulatory and logistical issues, that’s why you have to include them in the export plan. Foreign countries have their own sets of regulations and modes of transportation â€" some of them may have been unheard of where your business originally operates â€" so you have to take them into careful consideration. Are there export permits and documentation that you have to obtain? Talk about them, and include them in your implementation plan later on.Risk Factors. Every time a business enters a new marke t, there are bound to be risks involved. Come to think of it, going into business is a risk in itself. Some of the biggest risk factors faced by potential exporters are market risks, currency risks, credit risks, and political risks. Identify every possible risk that your business may encounter, so you can create a plan on how to mitigate them.Implementation Plan. List down the key activities, in chronological order, that you will perform in order to implement your export plan. Of course, you have to check and monitor your progress, so you should also include the evaluation criteria and the process to be followed.Financial Plan. You have to quantify everything in dollar amounts. Create a budget that you will adhere to when implementing your plan. This will come in handy later on when evaluating the results of your exporting operations.Export Marketing Plan. This is similar to a regular marketing plan, but with focus on your export activities, specifically targeting the customers in the foreign market you will be exporting to.Step #2 Clear All Documentary RequirementsComply with the applicable laws and regulations and secure the permits, certifications and other documents that will allow you to start exporting your products or services.Read the godfather resource on export documentation which clarifies everything you need to do.[slideshare id=9158669doc=export-importproceduresanddocumentation-110907041716-phpapp02type=dw=640h=330]Step #3 Prepare Product for ExportAs mentioned earlier, you may have to modify your production processes and make adjustments to your product in order for it to be acceptable in your target foreign market.Step #4 Deliver your ProductIn delivering products, points to consider include:Methods of shipping or transport (or delivery of services). This will mostly depend on factors such as distance, terrain and level of demand for the product.Role of third parties, such as customs brokers and freight forwarders.Packaging of the products and subsequent packing, ready for transport.Completeness and appropriateness of all export documentation, such as shipping documents and collection documentsExporting is a very broad topic; what we touched on are just the basics. For many, it may seem like a complicated process, and it is to a certain extent. However, through study and careful implementation, any business can become an exporter. Small businesses have been doing it for years now, there is no reason why you couldn’t do the same.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Current Conditions And Desired Conditions - 1421 Words

Table of Contents Discussion of Instructional Problem 3 Current Conditions and Desired Conditions 3 Data Collection Process 4 Discussion of Data Collection Instruments Used 4 Discussion of Sources of Data 5 Data Gathered Through Other Sources 6 Results of Data Analysis 6 Data Analysis Techniques Used 6 Results of Analysis 7 Table 1 7 Table 2 8 Table 3 9 Findings of Needs Analysis 10 Need for Instruction 10 Goal of Instruction 11 Appendix A: Student Pre-Assessment 13 Appendix B: Teacher Survey 16 Different Words: Same Meaning Discussion of Instructional Problem American college students know research and essay writing is an inevitable aspect of their educational career. Gathering research based materials and paraphrasing this information can be daunting for some English speaking students. For college bound English as a Second Language (ESL) students this task of paraphrasing research sources and avoiding plagiarism while keeping the information as authentic and accurate as possible can be nearly impossible. Many ESL college students have yet to learn the techniques to correctly paraphrase the information they gather. Paraphrasing is an essential skill needed to compose a successful research essay. Restating research materials using one’s own words by using strategies such as rewording, using synonyms and sentence restructuring are techniques and skills required to paraphrase. These strategies have not been obtained to the standard that ESL students need to beShow MoreRelatedCurrent Conditions And Desired Conditions1443 Words   |  6 PagesSummary of Instructional Problem Current Conditions and Desired Conditions Current Conditions Second grade students at Opstad Elementary school in North Bend, Washington have shown a lower academic ability to read a story and retell the story with an accurate sequence of events and main details. When asked to read a story below grade level, the students can read it and retell the main events, but tend to leave out key details. When asked to read a grade level appropriate story, they can read itRead MoreHow A Needs Assessment Is The Gaps Between Current Conditions And Desired Conditions?1618 Words   |  7 Pagesbetween current conditions and desired conditions. A needs assessment is a critical part of the planning process which provides individuals with the opportunity for improvement, education, and training. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Classroom Management And Teaching Strategies Essay

This training is conducted in a blended mode, that is, it involves an online self-paced learning follows by an interactive online discussion and ended with face-to-face action learning. That is, the training blends the online mode (Stage 1: online self-paced and Stage 2: online discussion) with the offline mode (Stage 3: face-to-face action learning). The modules in LeP are as follows: CM 1: Classroom Management and Teaching Strategies CM 2: Blended Learning in Hospitality School CM 3: Problem-based Learning in Hospitality School CM 4: Learning Outcomes CM 5: Teaching and Learning Theories CM 6: Assessment and Evaluation This e-training programme was registered under the Malaysian Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF). It gives credence to this programme as the Fund will scrutinize among others course content, training style, course objectives and trainer information before giving approval for registration. HRDF was establishment as part of the Government’s initiative to encourage the private sector employers in the manufacturing and service sectors to retrain and upgrade the skills of their employees in line with the needs of their business and industrialisation strategy of the country. It is managed by a company under the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia. It provides workers with accessibility to skills training and certification. Lecturer e-Training Programme (LeP) is compulsory for all lecturers in this university. They can sign up for this training at anyShow MoreRelatedClassroom Management And Teaching Strategies1172 Words   |  5 Pages(Stage 1: online self-paced and Stage 2: online discussion) with the offline mode (Stage 3: face-to-face action learning). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antidiuretic Hormone Free Essays

Antidiuretic Hormone is a nanopeptide, meaning it has nine amino acids (Allain). The hormone is made in the hypothalamus and is transported by axons to be stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. From there, it is released into the blood circulation when necessary (Bowen). We will write a custom essay sample on Antidiuretic Hormone or any similar topic only for you Order Now ADH regulates plasma osmolarity, or the concentration of solutes in the blood. Osmoreceptors are neurons that sense the osmolarity and send information to the hypothalamus. When plasma osmolarity is below a certain threshold, the osmoreceptors are not activated and the secretion of ADH is suppressed. When osmolarity increases above the threshold, the osmoreceptors stimulate the neurons that secrete ADH (Bowen). ADH is released from the hypothalamus when osmoreceptor cells in the hypothalamus detect a rise in blood osmolarity, which is normally caused by an excessive loss of water. It reaches the kidneys by blood vessels. Once at the kidneys, the hormone makes distal convoluted ducts more permeable to water so that more is reabsorbed and water is conserved in the blood. The juxtaglomerular apparatus, or JGA, helps the kidney when one has low blood pressure or low blood volume. When blood pressure drops or there is a lack of sodium in the blood, the JGA releases the enzyme renin into the bloodstream. Renin acts on the plasma protein angiotensin, and turns it into its active form, angiotensin II. Angiotensin II then constricts the arterioles, which raises blood pressure. Raising blood pressure in the arterioles increases filtration (â€Å"Hormones of Kidney Regulation†). Antidiuretic hormone has many disorders related to it. The most common disease of man and animals related to ADH is diabetes insipidus. Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by intense thirst, despite the drinking of fluids, and the excretion of large amounts of urine. There are four main types of diabetes insipidus: hypothalamis diabetes insipidus, nephrogenis diabetes insipidus, gestational diabetes insipidus, and primary polydipsia (â€Å"Diabetes insipidus†). Hypothalamic diabetes insipidus is a deficiency in the secretion of ADH from the posterior pituitary. Causes of the disease include head trauma, and infections or tumors involving the hypothalamus (Bowen). It is treated with the synthetic hormone, desmopressin. Desmopressin eliminates the increase in urination (â€Å"Diabetes insipidus†). Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is when the kidney is unable to respond to ADH (Bowen). This is caused by renal disease, a genetic disorder, or a chronic kidney disorder. It is treated by a low salt diet, drinking more water, or the drug called hydrochlorothiazide, which reduces urine output. Gestational diabetes insipidus occurs only during pregnancy when an enzyme made by the placenta destroys ADH in the mother. This is also treated with desmopressin. Primary polydipsia is the excretion of large volumes of dilute urine. It is caused by an intake of excessive fluids or a mental illness. There is no specific treatment other than decreasing the amount of fluid intake, but if the condition is caused by mental illness, treating the mental illness may relieve the symptoms (â€Å"Diabetes insipidus†). Another ADH disorder is the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, or SIADH. SIADH occurs when excessive levels of ADH are produced. It occurs mostly with people with heart failure, people with a diseased hypothalamus, or a certain type of cancer. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, seizures, coma, and personality changes. It is diagnosed by blood tests, which measure sodium, potassium chloride levels, and osmolality. SIADH is treated by a fluid restriction of between 30 to 75 percent of normal fluid intake or certain medications that inhibit the action of ADH (â€Å"Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH)†). Antidiuretic hormone is vital for survival. The human body would not be able to live without ADH. The small peptide molecule helps control the levels of water and solutions in the body. Without this, when one loses or gains solutes, the body would not know how to react. Works Cited â€Å"ADH. † Lab Tests Online. American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . Allain, Pierre. â€Å"Antidiuretic Hormone, ADH or Vasopressin. † Pharmacorama. Pharmacorama, 20 Sept. 2006. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . Bowen, R. â€Å"Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin). Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System. N. p. , 9 Dec. 2006. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Diabetes Insipidus. † Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Hormones of Kidney Regulation. † Kidney and Nephron. Tripod, n. d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . Mullally, Aaron. â€Å"Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH {Vasopressin}). † Sophia. Sophia Learning, n. d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . â€Å"Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiur etic Hormone Secretion (SIADH). † The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, n. d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. . How to cite Antidiuretic Hormone, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing concepts

Question: What is Marketing? Explain. Answer: Marketing is broader concept of describing the communication between the organization and the customers. Marketing is the adaption of institution and commercial activities with an intension of inducing behavioral change of the customers either in permanent basis or in short term basis. It is a process or activity to create, communicate and deliver the value of product or service to the customers. Marketing includes advertising, selling and delivering of products. Employees in marketing department try to get the attention of customers through proper packaging design, celebrity endorsement, slogans and general media channels (Homburg, JoziĆ¡ and Kuehnl 2015). Moreover, marketing is all about acquiring customers and maintaining a strong relationship with them. Concept of Marketing Marketing concept can be stated as the philosophy in which the organizations have to identify the needs of the customers and accordingly meet those requirements for satisfying the customers. It is concept through which organizations communicates, connect with and delivers the value of the products for targeting the audience. It is an ongoing exchange of communication through which the organization informs, educate and build relationship with the customers (Tadajewski and Jones 2012). Every company has their different ideas and philosophy in regards to marketing. Marketing concept includes product, selling, production and advertising of products and service for generating value within the target audience. Evolution of Marketing A gradual and thorough change had been taken place since industrial revolution in the time of latter half of 18th century and first half of 19th century. Marketing concept had been changed through four phases. Till 1930, there was a concept of product philosophy in which organizations used to think that if they have good product then it will create automatic response of customers with promotional activity (Menon et al. 2015). This concept has been replaced by sales oriented philosophy in the year 1930. This concept denotes that making best product is not enough unless it is supported with effective promotional strategy. However, this concept had also been modified with customer-oriented philosophy in the year 1950. This concept has suggested that organization needs to make product by analyzing the needs, demands and value of the customers for bringing customization in the products. In 1980, a new marketing concept has been evolved with an idea of generating customer as well as social welfare for generating competitive advantage (Berthon et al. 2012). Application of Marketing Darrell Lea is a popular beverage company in Australia that sells chocolate, confectionary and liquorices. It is the largest manufacturer of confectioneries in Australia that was established in 1927 (Darrell Lea 2016). The organization has 81 shops and 1838 outlets in Australia. Through the organization solely operates in Australia, its products are sold in out of Australia through distributorship in UK, USA, New Zealand and Canada (Darrell Lea 2016). The organization has effectively used marketing concept for it success over long period. In the product precept, of the organization has a concept that in order to create value to the customers the products of the organization should have unique quality. The chocolate products of this organization offer traditional taste and creamy texture that is unique from their competitors. The chocolate products of this organization temper the customers with its smooth and glossy finish (Homburg, JoziĆ¡ and Kuehnl 2015). Many customers prefer the classical taste of liquorices. In the promotional concept, the organization has taken effective promotional tools to communicate the value of the products to the customers. The organization mainly uses media advertising as they think that it is the best way of reaching to the customers in a short span of time. Among the mass media, the organization uses TV, newspaper and radio advertising for communicating the uniqueness of the products to mas s customers (Koh and Wong 2015). On the other hand, as the organization recently started to offer their products in international market through distributorship, they have started to promote their products through social median channels. The organization has a concept that it is not enough to provide good products to the customers. The organization needs to maintain strong relationship with the customers for maintaining its sustainability. The organization has initiated customer feedback policy regarding their products. The organization has their separate website in which the customers can post their feedback and claim about the product experience (Tadajewski and Jones 2012). This marketing concept has led the organization to modify the products according to the needs of the customers. In the marketing concept, the organization also uses aggressive marketing, in which they maintain a face-to-face relationship with the customers for creating the value of the products. In this process, the organization can also know the changing demand of the customers in regards to food quality. The organization repeatedly conducts market survey for knowing the customized specification of the customers and according change the features of the products (Shih, Chen and Chen 2013). On the other hand, the organization want to have a close interaction with the customers during the sales, as they think that close interaction will be effective in communicating the value so that customers get more interested in their products. In order to fulfill this intension, Darrell Lea has initiated personal selling of the products. In this process, the salespersons of the organization can personally meet the customer and make them convince to buy their products. Apart from that, the organization also use marketing concept in regards to customer welfare and social welfare for creating corporate social responsibility that has enhanced the reputation of the organization. In order to keep the health of the customers good, Darrell Lea offers a section of fact free chocolate and confectionaries. For the sustainability of the environment, the organization makes cartons packaging and does not use plastic packet that can harm the environment (Rundh 2013). Personal Reflection I have come to understand that marketing is all about communicating the value of the products and services to the customers. I have also understood that marketing is not only about increasing the sale of the organization, rather it is a bigger term and includes all from market analysis, advertising, selling and promoting the products for creating competitive advantage. Moreover, marketing is concerned with acquiring customers and maintaining strong relationship with them. Reference List Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), pp.261-271. Darrell Lea. 2016. Welcome to Darrell Lea Australia - World's best liquorice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2016]. Homburg, C., JoziĆ¡, D. and Kuehnl, C., 2015. Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, pp.1-25. Koh, A.C. and Wong, J.K., 2015. The Impact of International Marketing Research on Export Marketing Strategy: An Empirical Investigation. InProceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 172-175). Springer International Publishing. Menon, A., Bharadwaj, S.G., Adidam, P.T. and Edison, S.W., 2015. Effective Marketing Strategy-Making: Antecedents and Consequences. InProceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 224-224). Springer International Publishing. Rundh, B., 2013. Linking packaging to marketing: how packaging is influencing the marketing strategy.British Food Journal,115(11), pp.1547-1563. Shih, B.Y., Chen, C.Y. and Chen, Z.S., 2013. An empirical study of an internet marketing strategy for search engine optimization.Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing Service Industries,23(6), pp.528-540. Tadajewski, M. and Jones, D.B., 2012. Scientific marketing management and the emergence of the ethical marketing concept.Journal of Marketing Management,28(1-2), pp.37-61.